Moorelands’ Youth Lead, Excel, Demonstrate (Youth LED) is poised to double in size at Valley Park and will build on hands-on volunteering opportunities in Toronto…
Demand is high for Moorelands’ newly revised youth leadership and volunteer program (Youth LED Volunteers) and it is only going to grow. Youth LED is set to almost double in its capacity, helping up to 58 youth grades 7-12 develop leadership and life skills through fun, hands-on experiences.
The program is designed to help them master the skills and character qualities they need to become leaders, first of themselves and then in their community. At the same time it gives youth the opportunity to volunteer back in their community, earning vital community volunteer hours and giving them opportunity to practice community engagement.
In a direct response to youth’s requests, there will be increased opportunity for volunteer experiences — up to 20 hours added. And more time devoted to the practical application of skills learned in Youth LED.
Click below to donate to this program or send your cheque to 250 Merton St, Suite 501, Toronto, ON, M4S 1B1.