Back to school is a BLAST!

Zara&Zayad_Blast Gateway2015
Zara and Zayed at BLAST

Zara really likes the crafts. Zayed really likes the snacks. Lubna, their mother, really likes the quality programming at an affordable price. What they all really like is the BLAST (Budding Leaders After-school Teams) program!

Lubna Aslam discovered the Moorelands BLAST program at a very opportune time. She was re-entering the work force and looking for after-school child care for Zayed, grade 5, and Zara, grade 3. She was thrilled to find BLAST that, in her words, “doesn’t offer traditional babysitting.” She appreciated the intentional programming and has seen the positive impact it has had on her children.

Since her children joined BLAST, Lubna has seen an improvement in their social skills and confidence, especially in daughter Zara who, when she started BLAST, wasn’t very outgoing and didn’t have a lot of friends. By the end of the program, Zara knew “just about everyone”!

Both children have learned to be more responsible and independent, and they are much more open to new experiences – like trying new foods. Now, she says, they ask her to buy food items, like hummus and pita, which they have enjoyed during snack time! (

If Lubna were to describe BLAST to her neighbours she would tell them that it is the most stress-free program she has experienced. “Parents don’t have to do a lot – Moorelands staff have everything under control. It’s convenient, right in her children’s school, and it’s a safe environment.”

BLAST made Lubna’s transition back to work less stressful, knowing her children were well taken care of. For first- timers Zara, Zayed – and Lubna – Moorelands’ BLAST program was a really positive experience!

By Nancy Stewart