Send A Kid To Camp
Kids Like Lucia Need Moorelands Camp!
Join our campaign to send Toronto kids facing financial barriers to Moorelands Camp. You can empower a child to transform their life.
We’re going to camp this summer! Soon Kawagama Lake will ring out with the sound of children’s laughter.
With all of the stresses caused by the pandemic — along with the regular stresses of growing up with financial challenges — children need the kind of supportive environment Moorelands Camp provides. So, we offer children and youth the opportunity to come to camp, make new friends, discover new strengths, and sing and play under starry night skies!
Let’s join together to send kids like Lucia to camp this summer. LET’S MAKE SURE NO CHILD HAS TO SPEND THEIR SUMMER ALONE!
Moorelands Camp NEEDS YOU!
Campers back together in person at Kawagama Lake in 2022!
Moorelands is still committed to providing vulnerable children with a safe harbour in times of turmoil, as we have been doing since 1912. Moorelands Camp is more than a place: Moorelands Camp is a community – and you can’t cancel community.
Our campers need Moorelands and Moorelands needs YOU!
Hope and Mary’s Story
When Ada and her three children, David (now 19), Faithy (now 16), and Mona (now 12), first arrived in Toronto in the late 2000s, they faced many challenges. For Ada, leaving her secure job as a teacher in Nigeria for a better life in Canada came with a great deal of risk.
Ada explains, “Starting a new life in Canada was not easy. It was very hard for me to get work as a teacher here… there were so many challenges and struggles that my husband went back. These past years have been hard. I am praying that it will all work out. I just want the best for my kids.”
Ada was at her local community centre when she first heard about Moorelands Camp. David, then only 9, had never been away from his mother. The idea of an overnight camp frightened Ada, yet she felt that she had to let him go: this was an opportunity that was too important for David to miss…
Virtual Camp Kept Kids Connected: Let’s Reconnect in Nature!
Moorelands learned a lot from last two years. Our Virtual Camp was both interactive and supportive. With your support, Moorelands Kids’ Camp will help children like Lucia by giving them the tools, resiliency and community they need to overcome the negative effects of the pandemic.
Costs are higher this year: food, fuel and the hiring of additional staff to mentor kids and support their socio-emotional growth and resiliency means it will cost $1,650 to send a kid to camp this summer.
The most vulnerable in Toronto and the GTA have borne the brunt of the pandemic. This is our chance to address inequity in our own community and bring joy and hope to vulnerable children who haven’t had the opportunity to get out or come together, even though restrictions are lifted.
What camp really did was show me another way to be…I am so thankful to Moorelands Camp but I was only able to go because kind and generous people donated. It changed life for me as a disadvantaged child.
Sandra Brown, Moorelands Kids Alumni

An Oasis of Joy in our Stressful World
Today’s kids spend their days consumed by technology and social media. As a result, they have more issues with physical health problems, anxiety and stress than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic has only increased these problems with 70% of kids reporting a decline in their mental health since the pandemic began in a study by Sick Kids.
Moorelands Camp is an antidote to the sedentary behaviours and the negative health outcomes that today’s children face, especially those from low-income households.
Moorelands Camp keeps kids connected to a caring community of strong role models, mentors and new friends.
We provide a safe space where children will connect with friends and trusted mentors, enjoy silly songs, skits and fun activities — all while learning skills that build their resiliency, strengthen their well-being and nurture their physical and mental health.
Join with us to send kids to camp today!
More Stories from Camp!
Other ways to get involved!
Become a Send a Kid to Camp (SAK) Letter Writer
When kids returned from Moorelands Camp last summer, though they looked the same, they came back as very different kids.
Moorelands Kids’ SAK Letter Writing campaign is a peer-to-peer invitation to do good. When you pick a few friends to reach out to and share your passion for the work of Moorelands Kids and the possibilities that Moorelands Camp offers to kids affected by poverty, it’s a powerful support of our kids because you are making the ‘ask’ and your network picks up on your belief in our work.
We make being a SAK letter writer as easy as possible for you.
- We create the letter template, or provide you with your own peer digital platform.
- We merge your contacts and print the letters and we’ll take care of mailing them out.
- You provide us with your list of who to contact and perhaps agree to send along a personal thank you as we report back to you on who took you up on your invitation.
Matt, 11 yrs old told us, “When I’m home, this is how I will use the things I learned at camp… I will care for my people; encouraging others to be more active and I will be more positive.”
The SAK letter writing campaign is Moorelands Kids’ single largest source of funds to get kids like Matt up to camp this year and the need is great. Last year we sent 200 kids to camp from the SAK campaign.
During their session at Moorelands Camp, the kids experience big skies, campfires, songs, and new skills like swimming and canoeing. Matt and kids like him learned about setting and achieving new goals, making new friends and being a part of a community that cared and nurtured their development. Living in some of Toronto’s poorest communities, they were able to leave their worries behind while at camp, and enjoy all that Moorelands has to offer.
Will you help kids like Matt and become a SAK letter writer for the kids this year? If you are interested, please contact Maureen Lewis, or 416-466-9987 ext. 307.
Get together with friends or coworkers and create a fundraiser to send a kid to camp. Host your own bbq for bunks or hold a jeans day at work – check out fun fundraising ideas
Share Share Share!
Spread the word about Moorelands Kids and the amazing impact of Moorelands Camp!
- Share that you’ve made a donation through social media & encourage friends to do the same.
- Follow us on social media and share our posts so that more people discover why Moorelands matters to our kids.
- Let people know why camp is important! Tell them what you learned and why it’s made a difference in your life.
- Share your story with us, so we can track the benefits of Moorelands Camp and tell others about it’s impact.
Thank you for investing in kids in your community.
Moorelands Kids is a fiscally prudent organization, run with the highest level of stewardship of the public trust.