We’re here for you. We can help you make a meaningful gift and leave more for your family– both –so let’s have a conversation. Please speak with Maureen Lewis, 416-466-9987 Ext.307 or mlewis@moorelands.ca to discuss how.
Legacy, or Planned Gifts are an important part of the Moorelands Kids’ giving tradition. Your legacy can have a transformative impact in a smaller organization like Moorelands Kids and it’s as easy as including the following wording in your will; or if you’ve already drawn your will, adding it as a codicil. To make a holograph codicil you must write the statement by hand, date, and sign it at the bottom and store it with your will.
Wills or Codicil Language:
I leave to Moorelands Community Services, 251 Consumers Road, Suite 601, Toronto, Ontario M2J 4R3, or its successor, (state either a share or percentage of estate; a specific amount of money; the specific securities you wish to leave; or a specific item or items.)
To make a gift to Moorelands Kids to be used upon receipt please add:
I direct this money be used for the general purposes of Moorelands Community Services (or state program or area of work you wish to support, such as Moorelands’ BLAST.)
To make a gift to Moorelands Kids to be invested, the income to be used in perpetuity:
I direct this money be kept and invested in perpetuity with income generated to support the general purposes of Moorelands Community Services (or state program or area of work you wish to support, such as Moorelands Camp.)
For more information or to discuss your wishes, in confidence, please contact Colette Halferty at 416-466-9987 ext. 307 or email chalferty@moorelands.ca.