“The pandemic has pushed inequality to an all-time high.” – The Facts from Toronto’s Vital Signs Report 2021
The recently released Toronto’s Vital Signs 2021 report from the Toronto Foundation highlights that our kids are at risk of falling further behind their wealthier peers:
“Parts of the city that are home to more low-income and racialized residents bore the brunt of learning disruptions. Students in those areas were more likely to quickly switch to virtual schooling, as these neighbourhoods had the most severe COVID-19 outbreaks, but students in these neighbourhoods were most likely to struggle with access… and adequate space to focus on schoolwork.” Toronto’s VITAL Signs 2021
Meeting Grade Expectations
Students in marginalized communities were less likely to report strong progress in school in 2021. 45% of virtual students were meeting grade level expectations for reading, down from 54%
Increase in Food Bank Usage
Data from Toronto’s Daily Bread Food Bank showed an 84% increase in food bank usage in June 2021.
Increase in Loneliness
Secondary school students are more likely to feel lonely since the pandemic, with 44% reporting loneliness in 2021 compared to 22% in 2017.
Our families exist at the intersection of many challenges Toronto citizens currently face:
Mental Health Challenges:
Secondary school students are more likely to feel lonely since the pandemic, with 44% reporting loneliness in 2021 compared to 22% in 2017.
Learning Disruption:
A Toronto District School Board (TDSB) survey from February 2021 shows the majority of primary and secondary school students agree that they learn better in person than in virtual school.
Access and Inequality:
31% of GTA parents reported “their children were unable to complete all of their school work because they do not have adequate access to a computer at home”
Food insecurity:
Data from Toronto’s Daily Bread Food Bank showed an 84% increase in food bank usage in June 2021.
Read how what we do together makes a difference!
Read the full Toronto Vital Signs Report 2021 here.
See more facts here.
Help kids LEVEL UP!
Gifts made on November 30th will be MATCHED by The Ward Family Foundation. Donate to help kids LEVEL UP!