Join AGM

Please return to this link on June 3rd at 4:30 pm and you will be redirected to the Virtual AGM.

How to Use Zoom

You may choose to install the Zoom application on your computer or smartphone. This often allows for a smoother connection.

However, you don’t need to install any extra software to join or even host a Zoom meeting. You can do it all through a web browser.

Below we outline the two ways to join Zoom, with or without the Zoom app.

If you would like to install the Zoom app now, please click the appropriate link for your device:

Using Zoom With an Installed App

  1. Click on the meeting invite URL that the host shared via email or text. For the AGM, use on June 3rd
  2. A new tab will open on your preferred web browser and ask if you want to Open in the Zoom app. Note: Zoom only works in these web browsers: Chrome, Safari and Firefox
  3. Choose to Open the Zoom app. 
  4. Approve the request for permission to use your computer’s audio and camera.

Using Zoom Without Installing an App

  1. Click on the meeting invite URL that the host shared via email or text.  For the AGM, use on June 3rd
  2. A new tab will open on your preferred web browser. Note: Zoom only works in these web browsers: Chrome, Safari and Firefox
  3. If you don’t have the Zoom desktop app installed, the page will urge you to download the app. 
  4. If you don’t want to install the app, ignore that and skip down to the small print: “If you cannot download or run the application, join from your browser.”
  5. Click the highlighted text in “join from your browser”. 
  6. Sign in by typing your name to join the meeting.
  7. If prompted, approve the request for permission to use your computer’s audio and camera

Posted in Hub

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