Youth LED

Leadership in the Great Canadian Wilderness

Leadership. That’s what Moorelands is all about: providing leadership experiences for Toronto kids from under-served neighbourhoods.  Therefore, every summer, Moorelands Wilderness Camp on Kawagama Lake, welcomes 600 kids to a week of adventure and provides lessons that will last a lifetime… BUT before they arrive, the kids from our Youth LED programs in the City have the chance to experience the wonder of camp at our Leadership Retreat.

Exploring Leadership Challenges

The Youth Leadership Weekend Retreat is intended as an opportunity for all program participants to come together. Youth LED kids explore challenges, consolidate leadership learnings and expand their personal networks as well as community connections.

While the weekend is super fun, as with everything at Moorelands, there’s always a second level of learning. For instance, games such as parachute and red cup pyramid encouraged participants to work as a team, communicate effectively and set goals… while also being pretty hilarious!

A First Taste of the Wilderness!

The weekend was the first time many of our participants had experienced the Great Canadian Wilderness.  Therefore, it was great to see our inner city kids thoroughly enjoying and exploring their new surroundings. Also great was watching them practice the skills and character traits they had developed over the year. Moorelands hopes that their weekend at camp will not only encourage our participants to be better leaders but also foster a life long love of the Canadian Wilderness and nature.

An All-inclusive Experience

This year, all participants had input into the design and implementation of the retreat’s leadership goals and activities. For instance, they planned back pocket games and bus activities. Some favourite moments included facing fears on the high ropes and performing skits and songs around the camp fire!

Because of these fun moments, our Youth LED and Youth LED Volunteer participants went home with a wealth of new skills and experiences as well as solid friendships and positive connections that will support them in making positive decisions back home in their community.

Leadership experiences for as little as $3!

This month, a great way you can support important programs like our Youth Leadership Retreat is by taking part in The Great Canadian Giving Challenge:

Throughout June, every dollar donated to Moorelands online through will earn us a chance to win a $10,000 donation! (minimum $3 donation required).  Therefore, for as little as $3 you could help 8 kids get to Moorelands Wilderness Camp this summer! So, what are you waiting for? Help us help kids!

Thank you for your support!

Physical Literacy

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