Moorelands Kids’ LED (Lead, Excel, Demonstrate) kids have worked hard all year learning about the HABITS & QUALITIES that make a great leader.
It takes work to be PROACTIVE as a leader, but when you choose your response and consider the feelings of others, you show RESPECT. They have worked hard all year through activities like the Egg Drop Challenge to SET GOALS and learned to stay focused, remembering to do FIRST THINGS FIRST. When you think before you act, and consider the consequences, you demonstrate RESPONSIBILITY.
A Leader is a Positive Influence
These young leaders have learned that in order to be a FAIR leader, you need to think WIN/WIN when you consider each other’s point of view. This came in especially handy when they developed team flags and cheers! When lots of people are working together, they realized that LISTENING and UNDERSTANDING and THEN being UNDERSTOOD helps to demonstrate that they CARE about one another. They worked together to complete the Tomb Raider challenge. They really had to demonstrate TRUSTWORTHINESS as each person had a role to play! Leadership can be challenging, and it takes a lot of work. LED kids learned that being a leader means being a positive influence. When you CARE for YOURSELF, INSIDE & OUT, you are more able to do your share as a member of the community. Leaders are good CITIZENS! Check out the LED program page for more info!
Lead the Way! Donate to Fix Fisher’s Face!
Time is running out on your chance to choose Fisher’s new look! We all know he needs a little help in the style department, so remember to VOTE for your favourite look NOW! The vote ends on Thursday, November 29th! What will it be? Devilish? The Hulkamania? Or the traditional Half&Half? Make your $3 donation today to have a say, to support the UNITED WAY of GREATER TORONTO, as well as ensuring that Fisher rocks one of these amazing looks for a WHOLE WEEK! It doesn’t get better than that!
Watch LIVE on our Instagram stories as Fisher’s facial hair gets fixed – Friday November 30th at 12pm!!!
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#ThankyouThursday for an AMAZING #GivingTuesday
Thank you to everyone who supported Moorelands Kids on #GivingTuesday – November 27th – by spreading the word, donating and volunteering! We had a really successful day!
Altogether we raised $21,141! Of that, $20,391 was to the matching challenge for two weeks at camp. The rest of the donations were to other campaigns like Christmas Sharing or our after-school programs.
We are so grateful to our matching donor who has generously extended the matching challenge to December 31st – you can still donate online and your gift will be matched $ for $!