
Nancy’s Story

“When you are young and discouraged by things you have no control over, it is important to know that there are people who care.”

When Nancy Lou Farrell retired from teaching 15 years ago, she asked that in lieu of a retirement gift, a donation be made to Moorelands Community Services.

It is a wonderful organization,” she says. “When you are young and discouraged by things you have no control over, it is important to know that there are people who care. That’s what Moorelands does through its mentorship of disenfranchised children and youth and its strong role models.”

From Guides to Camping to Summer Camp!

Nancy Lou first learned about the work of Moorelands in a church bulletin when the organization was under the auspices of the DCA. Small donations were made at that time but as her circumstances changed, monthly donations became possible.

Camping has played an important role in Nancy Lou’s life. There were challenges at home and she was inspired and mentored by her Girl Guide Captain, Mary Liddell, who first introduced her to camping. Theirs became a lifelong friendship. In 1955, Mary founded Camp Mia-kon-da and offered Nancy Lou a job teaching swimming. “That first camp had four counsellors and 14 campers. Two of the campers were my sisters and one a cousin,” Nancy Lou chuckles.

Shared Values: Respect, Teamwork & Sharing

“The values taught at Moorelands today, were also the values taught at Mia-kon-da; respecting others, teamwork and sharing talents, were all part of the camping experience. They are values that stay with you forever.”

Camping was also instrumental in my choice of career as a Physical Education Teacher for twenty years. This period included involvement in the Council of Outdoor Educators,” she says. Nancy Lou also taught other subjects in the final twelve years of her career.

The Joys of the Great Canadian Wilderness

I love the wilderness,” Nancy Lou says emphatically. A thirteen day rafting and camping trip in the Western Arctic in 2005, rafting in the Grand Canyon in 2007 and a less physically demanding trip to the Eastern Arctic planned for next year allude to the fact. “Living with nature is the best way to learn about oneself and to refuel one’s batteries.

When I think about young people in the inner-city and the daily challenges they meet, I am more than happy to help them have a camping experience. It changes lives.

She adds, “Moorelands City Programs keep the light burning. It gives children a safe place to go where they are valued as individuals and this will help our society in the long run.”Nancy Lou has been a Moorelands monthly Sustaining Donor for several years. “It is my way of showing gratitude for the helping hands I received along the way.”

Thank you, Nancy, for your amazing support of Moorelands!

Like Nancy, you can help kids experience a wilderness adventure at Moorelands.

Take a look at the equipment needed to make out-tripping adventures happen. Your donation of any size can make all the difference to Toronto kids-in-need.

Got a Moorelands story to share? We’d love to hear it! To share your story, contact Helen – (416) 466-9987 ext. 312 or click the link below.

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