Moorelands’ Messages April 15, 2015

Hey Moorelands!

Judy Moore - president
Board President, Judy Moore, at last year’s AGM.

This is a busy week for Moorelands as tonight is our Annual General Meeting 2015. Why not join us at the offices of Faskin Martineau LLP at the Bay Adelaide Centre at 5.30pm to mingle with other members of the Moorelands Community and find out what we achieved in 2014 and hope for in 2015? It’s a great chance to meet the Moorelands Board of Directors and staff too and ask them any questions you might have about our organisation. Hope to see you there!

Don’t forget that our Send a Kid to Camp campaign is up and running. It costs Moorelands $1150 to send one child to our Wilderness Camp for a week. But any donation you make is a much larger investment in Toronto kids and our community as a whole. Here’s how one camper described the impact of Moorelands on him:

“I learned how to grow and I now know how to be a better role model and to be respectful, caring and responsible. I learned how to be a lot more friendly and to care for others. That’s why I’m going to come to Moorelands next year.” Elliot, aged 12

Donating to our Send a Kid to Camp campaign not only helps give kids affected by poverty the chance to have an amazing summer camp adventure, it also gives them the skills and strategies they need to be proud, productive members of our Toronto community. What investment has a better return for our community as a whole than supporting our city’s youth? Check out our Fundraise with Friends page for more ideas how you can support our campaign!

On Wednesday April 8th, thanks to our regular physical literacy program at our Budding Leaders After-School Teams (BLAST), Moorelands’ City Programs won a visit from representatives of the Pan Am Games 2015! BLAST Gateway welcomed all three programs for a Pan Am workshop featuring rower Dorota Urbaniak, bronze medallist at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. They were also taught a special sports dance by Pan Am representative Josh and PACHI himself taught them the official Pan Am Wiggle!  Our kids had so much fun and learned all about the hard-work, resilience and healthy life-style choices required to be a competitive athlete.  They were whipped up into a frenzy of excitement about the games this summer and proudly crafted 40 signs in support of our Canadian athletes who will be competing! Thank you everyone who made this brilliant day possible – check out the gallery of PACHI’s visit to Moorelands below.

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