care for yourself this winter

Care for Yourself this Winter

Brrrr! It’s cold out there!

Self-care is important. If you don’t care for yourself, you’re bound to get run down, or worse, sick! And then how will you achieve your best? How will you care for others? Since winter seems to be doubling down on us this week, we’d thought we share some tips on how to care for yourself this winter and stay happy and healthy.

Care for yourself Tips!

  1. Get your vitamins by eating your fruit and veggies!
    • Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables like sweet potatoes, beets, mango, apricots and melon are a source of Vitamin A which helps defend against infection.
    • Leafy, dark green vegetables like spinach, peppers, broccoli, peas, and citrus fruits will give you Vitamin C which helps with immunity.
  2. Get outside!
    • When it’s cold out, you may have an overwhelming desire to hibernate by staying inside and getting cosy. BUT to really care for yourself this winter, you NEED to get a good dose of Vitamin D! The long, dark nights of winter are associated with the “winter blues.” Give your mood and health a boost by getting out into the daylight as much as you can and keeping physically active.
  3. Unplug and keep up your in-person connections
    • As we just said, it can be all too easy to stay at home when then weather is cold… and the lure of the screen – phone, tv, and video games – doesn’t make it any easier. Try to unplug, limit your screen time, and connect with people in the real world. People can feel more lonely than usual in the wintertime, spending time with those you care about will not just help you, but will probably make someone you love feel better too!
  4. Wash your hands!
    • While it should go without saying (!), it’s even more important during the cold and flu season to practise good hygiene. If you’re serious about caring for yourself, wash your hands frequently and wipe down things like keyboards and phones – these can be hotbeds for germs. Try to keep your hands away from your face, especially your mouth and nose, to avoid germs spreading.
care for yourself

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