Advice I Wish I’d Had: High School Grads Talk About What They Wish They Knew Upon Graduating

Life is a puzzle, you put it together as you go. Some things fit perfectly, while others don’t, but you always wish you had some advice to guide you along your way.

Moorelands VITAL (Volunteers In Training As Leaders) program helps youth develop leadership skills and positive character qualities that will prepare them to succeed in school and the workplace. To help our participants, before they transition from High School to post-secondary education or the world of work, we’ve created a short series of advice articles: Advice I Wish I’d Had.

In this series, University and College students share what they have learned since graduating High School, from transitioning into University or College to finding a summer job. This week find out what advice they give on making career moves.Rabia | Communications and Marketing | Ryerson University

Everything is changing but change can be good. Now is the time to discover yourself, and see what you truly like, dislike, and where you see yourself headed. The next few months might seem scary but you are not alone, and all will be well.


Anonymous | Life Sciences | UOIT

Be confident and work hard on what you like. Don’t be discouraged just because you failed or performed poorly, it’s a step to success. Motivation is key.


Anonymous | Practical  Nursing | Centennial College

Don’t take everything for granted, enjoy your time in high school now before it’s too lateAnonymous | Graphic Design | OCAD

Spread out your course class schedule.


Anonymous | Double Major in English and Sociology with an emphasis in Education |  Trent University

It’s okay to not have a concrete plan. I went in as a single major and now I am a double major with an emphasis. Your plans and ideas will change, and that’s ok, because that means you are finding your passion and focus in life.Nick | Nuclear Engineering | UOIT

Some advice or information that I wish I had upon graduating high school would be how free university is. And how fast paced it is. Combining these two causes a lot of problems for people who aren’t used to being fully independent. Teachers in high school will chase you for your work but in university, the professors will automatically give you a zero even if you are 1 minute late handing in your assignment. I had to experience this the hard way. Combine this with how fast paced it is, and you will easily fall behind if you aren’t careful.


Giulia | Professional Communications | Ryerson University

The program you choose doesn’t mean that you’re defined by that specific field.


By Vimbai Chikoore

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