A Message from the President – Fall 2018

Welcome to a new chapter at Moorelands.

Moorelands is committed to kids, committed to grow and committed to change to remain a vibrant and relevant organization serving kids across Toronto.

These aspirations have guided the urgent and important work of the Moorelands’ Board of Directors and staff, resulting in a number of important changes to set an even stronger foundation for the future.

We have created a compelling yet simple vision of our future – we believe it is inspiring and it points to a clear direction of what we expect Moorelands to be doing in our second 100 years. We hope our new vision – “We Empower Kids to Transform their Lives” – will inspire all of us to continue to give in our own unique way. We have also refined our mission and values which will help us to develop and deliver the best possible programs and services to kids.

We have rebranded Moorelands. Our new name – Moorelands Kids – reflects exactly who we are and who we serve. We wanted a name that is more readily identifiable across all of Toronto, not just in the communities that we have served for the last 100 plus years. While we have bold plans for the future, we are proud of our legacy and have therefore maintained Moorelands prominently in our new name. Our past serves as a foundation for our future.

To better illustrate who we serve and the bright future we desire for them we have developed a new vibrant logo and a soon-to-be-announced new official tagline. Our new logo is a reflection of kids and the diverse backgrounds they have, as well as the diverse and unique challenges and opportunities they face. Together, the new logo and tagline will work to help us better serve more kids, and in the near future to serve them more.

In addition, we’ve changed our newsletter name to better represent our relationship with our readers. The newsletter’s new name, “My Moorelands” – and its new and fresh look- have been designed to be more appealing to you and to our ever-changing diverse readership and donor base.

We have also reintroduced a Planned Giving Outreach Program.  Many of you will have received our first mailing in July and will have just received your second mailing.  Please review it and give serious thought to how you might help us to continue to serve more kids beyond your lifetime.  If we have not reached you with our mailing, but you would like more information, please let us know by contacting our Planned Giving officer, Maureen Lewis at 416-466-9987 ext. 307, or mlewis@moorelands.ca.

Finally, stay tuned for a new and improved website to be launched by mid-2019. Its new design is intended to improve the user experience, simplify the website,  and improve key website elements such as the parent registration and donor giving functionality, just to name a few planned changes.

While we have been busy with our rebranding, we have also been even busier serving more kids.  When I spoke to you at the AGM I shared with you that we intended to increase attendance at summer camp in 2018 compared to 2017 by 30% and to add another after-school program by the fall of 2018.  I am pleased to say that we met the first goal and have more than met the second.  Please see Lynda Tilley’s report for more details.

Finally, on behalf of the kids we serve, thank you for your generosity.  Without you, we would not be able to empower kids to transform their lives. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Webb

President, Board of Directors

Moorelands Kids

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