Moorelands Messages, October 5th 2015

Hey Moorelands!

WP_20141019_079Just one week to go until the registration deadline of October 12th for the #STWM! If you’ve been thinking about walking or running for Moorelands at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon – NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT! All the info you need on how to register is here.  We’re so thankful to everyone who has already signed up – if you can’t make it out on October 18th, consider sponsoring team Moorelands!

Moorelands is taking part in the #STWM to raise funds for our vital programs for Toronto children and youth from under-served neighbourhoods. Like our Budding Leaders After-school Teams (BLAST) program which began again last week after the summer break.  Our kids hit the ground running and started forming connections with their new after-school friends right away. In one activity at BLAST Grenoble, participants made self-discoveries whilst introducing themselves to their fellow budding leaders by crafting ‘all about me’ flags. Check out the fun they had in this arts and crafts activity:

IMG_4676This week sees the start of our revamped Youth Lead Excel Demonstrate (Youth LED) program. The program, held in two locations – Valley Park Middle School and Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute – helps youth grades 7 – 12 become leaders in their own lives and communities. This year, Youth LED is poised to double in size at Valley Park and will build on hands-on volunteering opportunities in Toronto.

IMG_4876In a direct response to youth’s requests, there will be increased opportunity for volunteer experiences — up to 20 hours added. And more time devoted to the practical application of skills learned in Youth LED. In this way, the program gives youth the opportunity to volunteer back in their community, earning vital community volunteer hours and giving them opportunity to practice community engagement.

We’re excited to meet all our new Youth LED participants and watch how they grow into community leaders!

Have a great week!

Best High res just Moorelands




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