Moorelands’ messages July 27, 2015

Hey Moorelands!

What a beautiful day to be heading up to camp! Thanks in part to our fantastically successful send a kid to camp campaign, this morning, lots more families waved off their kids as they boarded the bus to to Moorelands Wilderness Camp. There’s always some trepidation at the bus as, for many of our families, this will be their kids’ first time away from home.  Despite the heat this morning, the sense of excitement/nerves/anticipation was palpable as campers bid their families goodbye and struck out on a new adventure.

For the staff, meeting campers for the first time is always an interesting experience as they will see lots of changes in the kids over the week. Campers will grow in leaps and bounds as they learn new skills, develop character and build confidence.  For the campers – new and returning – it’a an exciting, if scary time.  At registration, we asked some of them what they were most excited about:

“Bows and arrows!”

“Going on the boat”

“Jumping in the water! It sooo hot.”


“Just being at camp, the whole thing is amazing.”

We also asked them if there was anything they were nervous about and there were a few common themes:


“Bugs and spiders – ewww!”

“Nothing…maybe swimming in the lake…are there sharks? What about Swordfish? It’s different to a pool. You don’t know what’s at the bottom!”

But despite these fears about the wilderness and being away from home, mostly our kids were super excited to spend a week at Moorelands and face the challenges head on. We can’t wait to see how they get on!

Check out the gallery of kids at the bus below.

Have a great week!

Best High res just Moorelands

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