“Moorelands Camp has definitely taught me how to trust…”

That’s what Letitia tells us in her story in this edition of myMoorelands. At Moorelands Kids, our vision is to empower kids to transform their lives. The warmer weather arrives and for us, that signifies the start of camp. We begin to wind down our after-school leadership programs and move our efforts to ensuring that Toronto kids get to Moorelands Camp.
During the winter and spring months we do extensive outreach, sharing the camp opportunity with community groups, schools and agencies. It’s important that we are in the community and connecting with those in need of our programs. As the government announces new cuts to children’s programs, the need is even greater.
Sometimes it’s hard for parents to let their kids go – let’s face it, camp is far from the city, in an unfamiliar area and it takes tremendous trust to let your child get on the bus. BUT when the kids return home with their stories and share what they’ve learned, those parents become our best advocates— they trust us. Moms telling moms about Moorelands Camp, that’s powerful. For our families, word of mouth is our best method of sharing camp.
Moorelands’ Send a Kid to Camp Campaign is in full swing! Read about how several of our friends and supporters share their passion for the Moorelands Camp experience and invite support among friends and family. In this edition of myMoorelands, we have also included something extra, a Send a Kid to Camp (SAK) brochure, in the hopes that you will share the opportunity to change a child’s life with others.
What I’m asking you to do today is, if you haven’t already, to make your own SAK gift; and share the opportunity to change a child’s life with others. You are like that parent who trusts Moorelands Camp, knows that their child has had a great experience and shares that with another parent; it’s simple and it’s powerful. In your case, it’s an invitation to feel great about the difference your friend or family member can make in a vulnerable child’s life.
Thank you for believing in us; for being an integral part of our community. Thank you in advance for passing it on, for becoming a Moorelands Kids advocate. Together, we are empowering kids to transform their lives.

Lynda Tilley
Executive Director, Moorelands Kids
At Moorelands Kids, our vision is to empower kids to transform their lives. It costs $1,530 to send a child to Moorelands’ virtual camp. Please make a donation today to help send a child to camp this summer. Any amount you choose to give will make a difference!