Life skills lessons at BLAST: BLAST kids and their leaders at the grocery store.

BLAST Learn Life Skills and Financial Literacy

“Money in the bank is like toothpaste in the tube. Easy to take out; hard to put back.” Earl Wilson

At BLAST our kids get to have a lot of fun every day after school. One of the best aspects of the program though is that intertwined through every activity are lessons about leadership, life skills and good character.

In a recent BLAST Gateway field trip to their local grocery store, our kids got a chance to develop some valuable life skills around a critical topic: money management.

Our kids were given a budget and tasked with the challenge of creating a dish themselves from scratch.

Teamwork and cooperation

Before the trip, the participants worked in teams to decided what meal they would like to make based on the set budget. Each team then took a vote on the different suggestions. Our kids participate in cooking activities once a week, so they had lots of ideas from which to choose.

Once the menu had been decided, they then had to write a shopping list of items that the meal would require.

Financial Literacy

Over at the grocery store, the kids got busy shopping! As they selected their items, they made sure not to go over their budget with the elder participants helping the younger ones with the math.

Participants were also told to select their healthy snack for the day, a great way for them to practise making healthy choices!

Putting theory into practice!

The next day at program, the kids used the ingredients they had bought to create their dishes.

Cooking lessons are another way Moorelands helps children develop basic life skills. Our kids are now cupcake, pancake and taco experts!

Keep up with what’s going on at Moorelands by checking back on the hub each week or sign up to our social media pages to get regular updates! Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.There are still a few spaces left in all our BLAST after school programs PLUS Youth LED returns in March! To register for BLAST or Youth LED visit
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