What My Moorelands Camp Job Means to Me

Working at camp is more than just a summer job. It can be a life-changing experience where staff gain valuable, transformative, and transferable skills, all while making memories and building strong social connections. But don’t just take our word for it — here’s what some of our camp staff have to say about working at Moorelands Camp:

“This job is like no other job,” says Mystic, camp staff. “I think the reward is knowing that you’re having a big impact on campers’ lives.”

Many of the youth who attend Moorelands Camp come from different socio-economic backgrounds and face unique challenges in their lives back home. At camp, they find a safe and nurturing place to be themselves, explore, learn and meet camp staff who become vital role models to them. 

“You get to see the kids have a week with no worries, no stress—they just come here for pure fun. We give them an opportunity here to have that safe and fun environment,” says Ginger, camp staff. “You make special connections with the kids as well. One week, I had a boy in my cabin and we asked the question, ‘Who is your role model?’ He said that I was his role model because there was nobody at home who could support him in that way. He felt that I was the person he wanted to be when he grew up, that I made him feel safe and comfortable, and that he wanted to work here when he was older. He said if he could be half the person I am, that he would be happy. It was a meaningful moment.”

The power of camp leaves a lasting impression on those who attend, and sometimes our campers come back to Moorelands as camp staff because they know firsthand the impact it will have on children and youth. For Clover, Moorelands helped her come out of her shell when she was a camper, and made her feel comfortable to go home, try new things and join sports and clubs. Now as staff, Clover continues to use the skills she learned at Moorelands. “Moorelands is about building on your strengths and learning new skills that are applicable in your home, school and community,” she says.

Every day at camp is different and presents new challenges, but our experienced staff know how to make every camper’s experience a great one by listening, understanding them and recognizing their needs. 

“The best experience I can think of is a boy who came to me on the first day and just did not want to listen to cabin leaders. But now, he has received a leadership award for his work and his improvements. He came up to me afterwards and gave me the biggest hug in the world,” says Goose, camp staff. “That’s the reason why I do this job. It’s the best feeling to see the improvement in him and the smile on his face when he achieves something.” 

Moorelands is a place where everyone can thrive—both campers and staff alike—and at the end of each summer, everyone is excited to come back next year!

Camp Staff Spotlight




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