Trick-or-Treat! Here’s 6 Safety Tips for Halloween

October 31st is Halloween, the spookiest night of the year! Many people will dress up in fun, silly or scary costumes, and some will go trick-or-treating in their neighbourhoods. Others might attend Halloween parties or haunted houses, or stay in and watch movies. No matter what you have planned, here are 6 important tips to stay safe and have fun on Halloween:

1. Wear a bright costume or add something reflective.
It is important to watch for cars on the road while trick-or-treating, but cars need to see you, too! Choose a brightly coloured costume or add something reflective (like tape, arm bands, belts) to stand out in the dark. Carrying flashlights is a good idea, too. Need some ideas for bright costumes? Check out this article by New York Magazine.

2. Use costume-safe weapons and accessories.
How cool is it to dress like a Jedi, a knight or a video game character? Just make sure you’re using soft foam or plastic weapons so nobody gets hurt while you trick-or-treat or hang out with friends.

3. Watch your pumpkins!
Use a battery-operated candle or a colourful glow stick to light up your jack-o-lanterns. Candles can be fire hazards, and nobody wants to call the fire department on Halloween!

4. Trick-or-treat with friends and family.
It is always safer to travel in a group. Find friends, neighbours, classmates or family members to trick-or-treat with. If possible, bring an adult with you! They’re great for carrying your candy loot, anyway.

5. Stick to houses with lights on.
Most households who want to participate in Halloween will turn their lights on so that trick-or-treaters know they are handing out candy. They might have spooky decorations out, too! Avoid houses that are dark without lights or decorations.

6. Check your candy before you eat it.
The best part about Halloween is digging into all the candy at the end of the night! But before you dive in, make sure you check over your candy for anything that might look dangerous, unwrapped or opened, or inedible.

For more safety tips, visit The Government of Canada’s Halloween Safety Guide.

Have a fun and safe Halloween!

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