The Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon and Charity Challenge 2012
By Nancy Stewart
As our group of 50 walkers assembled in the pre-dawn light, the “fun” started out with a steady rain. No worries! Rain ponchos were handed out; umbrellas were opened. We were going to make the best of the Scotiabank waterfront marathon and charity challenge! As the rain continued, and our shoes took in water, our spirits were – how shall I say? – a little dampened.
But then something wonderful happened. As we approached the start line, the rain started to let up and, barely metres into the walk, it stopped!
What had started out as a rather bleak day turned into a great time! We Moorelands walkers were hard to miss with our colourful Moorelands T-shirts and our many colourful costumes and wigs. The crowds along the route were so positive and encouraging you couldn’t help but get caught up in the enthusiasm.
We crossed the finish line en masse. One big, happy – slightly damp – Moorelands group: proud to have finished the race, proud of all our participants, and proud to have supported Moorelands and the wonderful work it does.