In honour of Family Day (February 18th), we’re running a social media contest to help grow the Moorelands Kids family!
From now until Family Day, when you share our posts publicly on Facebook or Twitter, or post about our programs on Instagram, using the hashtag #MoorelandsKids and tagging us, you’ll be entered into a draw to win Moorelands Kids swag!
This Family Day Help Grow the Moorelands Kids Family
We know that Moorelands Kids’ programs have a transformative effect on the lives of the children and families we serve. Help us give even more kids the new skills they need to succeed and thrive by spreading the word about our programs! (Phentermine)
Applications for all our programs & jobs are available online at – please share!
Check out some more links to share on the Moorelands Kids Hub! is TRANSFORMING!
Right now, we’re in the midst of developing a purposeful, interactive new website! Launching in March 2019, the revamped will make it easier for everyone in the Moorelands Kids’ family to get involved and engage with us. PLUS it will help raise Moorelands Kids’ profile in the wider community and bring new skills and experiences to those in need.
Want to be in the know about exciting updates like the launch date of the new site? Subscribe to our email list at and follow us on social media.