favourite things about camp

Our Favourite Things About Camp!

As we look forward to the sun shining more brightly, the snow melting, and the blue skies reappearing, we thought it was time for us to remind you of some of the reasons WHY summer camp is SO AMAZING.

Here are some of our VERY FAVOURITE things about Moorelands Camp!

#1 “The Good Morning Song”!

One of our most favourite things about camp is that every morning we gather to eat breakfast, and sing our “Good Morning Song”…does this ring a bell?

Good morning Moorelands Campers

With your hands and face as clean as mine

Good morning Moorelands Campers

 You’re surely looking fine (duh da da da da)

Tumble out of bed and give your head a shake (woooo!)

Have a little breakfast for your tummy’s sake

   Good morning Moorelands Campers

   With you hands and face as clean as

Your appetite as mean as

  Your cabin as pristine as mine. (woooo!)

#2 Cheer Competitions

Cheer competitions between the Boys End and the Girls End are another favourite thing about camp! Who has the best, the loudest, the most creative cheers? Which end will get the most props from the other end? At Moorelands we always cheer for each other!

#3 Amazing Camp Staff

Next up are our amazing camp staff! They are the most fun, silly, playful and crazy bunch of people you’ll ever meet. They LOVE serving kids, and they LOVE summer camp! They are an incredible group of people to look up to!

favourite things about camp - friends
Making new friends is one of our favourite things about camp.

#4 “Audio-Oh!”

A favourite tradition at Moorelands Camp is starting every campfire with “Audi-Oh”!!!

Audi Audi Audi- Oh!

A wig wag wig wag wagity woh!

Clap your hands up in the sky!

Cause Moorelands is flying high!

A little louder…a little stronger!

#5 “The Fire is Low”

Another campfire tradition at Moorelands Camp is to end every campfire with the beautiful “The Fire is Low.”

The fire is low, it’s time to go, the embers are all that we see

Though we must part, deep down in our hearts, our friendship will always be

Strong and sure, it will endure, together let’s promise one thing

That come what may there will be a day, when once more again we will sing…

More than any of these fun traditions, our favourite thing about summer camp is providing a place for kids from Toronto to come and experience nature. For Toronto Kids, it’s a week away from the city in a safe, caring, positive environment focusing on new friends, character, leadership development and having FUN!

favourite things about camp - fun activities
Another favourite thing about camp – super fun activities!

Have you thought about what you’re doing this summer?

How about applying for a job where you get to spend the hot days of summer on and island, being a leader and mentor to kids from some of Toronto’s most underserved communities. Moorelands Kids is looking for positive, enthusiastic team players who put the needs of others before their own. APPLY today!

What are your favourite things about camp? Let us know in the comments!

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