Hey Moorelands!
This week, our wilderness camp Director, LT, wanted to share this beautiful note (above) from one of our intermediate campers. What a lovely, heart-felt message about why camp is awesome! A special shout out to camp staff Indiana, Crispy and Zeke – you obviously made quite the impact! It really means the world to us that Moorelands gives our kids such positive experiences and helps them make powerful connections with peers and caring adults. We can’t thank our program staff enough for the great work they do in helping kids make friends, have fun and learn new skills.

Over in city programs, we enjoyed another busy week at our Budding Leaders After-School Teams (BLAST) last week. Participants at BLAST Thorncliffe made paper bag animals in their craft session. They had to use lots of creative skills; not only in physically making their animals but also in visualising how they wanted their creations to look and then planning how to implement their imaginative ideas!

At BLAST Gateway participants undertook a team challenge to create play dough aliens! This involved lots of messy fun as well as strong teamwork and creative problem solving skills. Just how many eyes does an alien have??

Then at BLAST Grenoble, there was a science experiment to learn how polar bears stay warm thanks to blubber! Our intrepid explorers had to brave sticking their hands into a bucket of ice cold water… and then comparing how cold it felt to when they placed their hand in a baggie filled with Crisco and then back into the water. Our budding scientists found that the Crisco acts as a layer of fat and provides insulation from the extreme temperature…phew, no frostbite!
Finally, check out the pictures of our Valley Park Youth Lead, Excel, Demonstrate (LED) participants implementing their superhero crafts and active games day at BLAST Gateway. Our young leaders were so impressive in the way they showed such responsibility and caring towards younger BLAST participants. The activities planned by our Youth LED were a roaring success. They took charge of excited BLAST participants, using skills learned in Youth LED, to overcome obstacles, show initiative and think on their feet. Well done Valley Park Youth LED!
We’re looking forward to the all the fun at programs that this week holds, check back next week for updates.
Have a great week!
Moorelands Community Services