“I was able to pay for my son to go to camp but that’s not the reality for all families. All kids deserve a break and that’s what they get at Moorelands.”
As one of the newest members of Moorelands’ Century Club, Eunice Thomas has a long, rich history with Moorelands.
Her connection began shortly after she moved from Guyana to Toronto in the early 1960s to study. Eunice had previously been a teacher in Guyana but had decided to return to school for a career change to HR.
Moorelands Camp is of Great Benefit
It was while studying, working full-time and being a single mom to her son, Wayne, that Eunice realised that she desperately needed a break. Her supervisor at the Ministry of Revenue, Maureen Buckingham, recommended Moorelands as a chance for Wayne, then aged 9, to get a break from the city… and give Eunice a well-deserved rest too!
Wayne took to Moorelands Camp immediately and returned for many summers, eventually going on to become a camp counsellor, leading canoe trips in the Algonquin Highlands.
Eunice immediately saw how summer camp was of great benefit to children growing up in Toronto’s inner city.
“You guys at Moorelands were doing a fantastic job then, and I believe you still are now. I like the programming and the opportunity the kids get to do so many outdoor activities.”
For Too Many Children, Camp is Out of Their Reach
Eunice explains that while she paid what she could for Wayne to attend camp, she soon realised that for many parents this prospect was simply out of their reach. And so she soon began supporting Moorelands Camp through the ACW at St. Hilda’s Anglican Church.
“Moorelands Camp teaches the children how to interact well with each other and learn social skills. But it also gives them a chance to break out. It’s not just about having fun at camp, they learn things that help them to be better citizens and make the city better for everyone.
“I’ve never wanted to be confined or limited and I worked hard to make sure that my son had opportunities.
“My father always said, ‘Aim for the sky and you’ll fall on the clouds but aim for the clouds and you’ll fall on the ground…’
“That’s what I think that Moorelands helps with, it teaches kids to aim high and succeed!”
Building Hopes and Ambitions
Today, Wayne works for the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto and both Eunice and Wayne feel so grateful for the childhood opportunities, experiences and learnings he enjoyed thanks to his time at Moorelands Camp.
Now aged 82, Eunice feels so proud that her long-standing support of Moorelands will be honoured with the planting of a tree at camp this summer. She laughs as she explains:
“So long as I can feed myself, I am happy to support your programs! You do such a great job and I hope my donations can keep Moorelands going strong and continue to grow some more!”
Thank you, Eunice, for your many years of support. You are the strong foundation upon which we can build up the hopes and ambitions of so many Toronto children!Join our Send a Kid to Camp Campaign and give Toronto kids who otherwise might not get the opportunity the chance to experience Moorelands Camp.