The cottagers and residents of Kawagama Lake showed their love of Moorelands Wilderness Camp and their overwhelming community spirit in an outpouring of support and an evening of connections on Saturday, August 22. With just six weeks to plan, Rob Walisser and Jennifer Lorenz-Walisser, of Old Mill Marina, engaged with the Kawagama Lake community to create an inaugural celebration of community and connections – cornerstones of the Moorelands Wilderness Camp experience. Guest enjoyed ‘behind the tree lines’ tours of camp, silent and live auctions, a splendid reception, live band and an evening of great conversations.
The event, dubbed the Starry Summer Night Bash, was made possible by the quick support of business owners and cottagers on the lake. Special thanks are given to sponsors Old Mill Marina, Flat Rock Cellars, Muskoka Brewery, Il Fornello and Mountain Trout House Marina. Over $30,000 was raised for Moorelands in support of children who would otherwise never have the camp experience. Local families rallied to Send More Kids to Camp, by issuing a challenge to their fellows, some making $1,000 contributions. A huge thank you goes out to Bob and Janice MacDonald, Don and Dawn Abel, Ray and Teresa Drost, Serge and Natalie Lapalme, John and Lise McBride, and Mr. Don Ross.
Camp Director/Acting Executive Director, Lynda Tilley, shared stories of the Moorelands’ camp experience. Two brief videos, by campers and councillors, explained what Moorelands Wilderness Camp means to them, and brought tears to the eyes of many a guest. Said Lynda,
“We are overwhelmed by the community spirit found here on Lake Kawagama. We’re delighted that you came out to explore all that Moorelands has to offer our children and to celebrate your own sense of adventure and joy in community.”
A big THANK YOU, to all those who participated or donated. You made this night happen. Like Moorelands Wilderness Camp, the evening launched new friendships that will last a lifetime.