Thank You For Empowering Kids — Lynda’s Message Winter 2022

executive director

Watching our kids and community come together over Giving Tuesday and Christmas Sharing at the end of last year was a timely reminder that there is much to be grateful for, even as we all continue to navigate tough times. On Giving Tuesday, we chose to highlight the acts of kindness our kids were making. We profiled their actions and their wishes and shared them across all our communications channels – and you responded. You responded joyfully! You responded with kindness and gifts of your own. Many of you responded with notes of encouragement for the kids and their families, thanking them for being positive. And I was reminded that joy is a choice, typically linked to gratitude.

“I’m beyond grateful and holding back tears for the gift cards I received today. It’s been difficult to juggle finances and keep a positive outlook for Christmas when high costs don’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, so this help has me breathing a sigh of relief. From the bottom of my heart, thank you and all the amazing staff, volunteers and donors that continue to treat us like family.”

Alysha, Christmas Sharing parent.

As Alysha’s note to us shows, your kindness and continued generosity is bringing so much joy to families through this cold winter. Whether it’s your donations, gifts, grocery support or through the continued safe spaces your support provides in our online programming, I want you to know that through this help, you are that bright spot in a struggling family’s day.

This year, with your help, we are planning to bring even more joy by getting kids back to camp! I hope you will join us for this year’s Annual Meeting on April 20th at 5pm – I am looking forward to updating you on our plans to get kids back to Kawagama Lake. Please save the date and mark your calendars.

Moorelands Kids invites you to learn more about joy first hand by becoming a SAK – Send a Kid to Camp Champion – this spring. You can be a part of ensuring kids have the safe, welcoming, joyful break, outside and under the stars, that camp provides. Please consider making a donation and signing up to be a SAK Ambassador. Let us experience joy together, first-hand, as we come together to keep kids connected to online and in-person experiences to which they otherwise would not have access.

Thank you for being a part of the Moorelands Kids’ family and for empowering kids to succeed and thrive.

Lynda Tilley, Executive Director, Moorelands Kids

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