Heather’s Send a Kid to Camp Fundraiser

Every year at this time, I am reminded just how incredibly lucky I was to have that experience.  In fact, research shows that just 3 days in nature can increase cognitive ability by 50%, improve self-esteem and lower rates of depression for kids.  Building skills, forming friendships in a safe and glorious natural setting is a gift beyond measure.

However, that experience is simply not a realistic option for so many kids in Toronto. My goal is to change that reality this summer, one kid at a time.

While at camp, Mooreland Kids’ programs support the development of habits and qualities that build empowerment and confidence, giving kids the tools to make great choices for their lives.  Kids learn about personal leadership and leadership in communities, setting the foundation for success in every aspect of life ahead, all while having the most wonderful time.

Check out this video to see why kids love Moorelands Camp!

Please join me in contributing to Moorelands Kids’ Send-a-Kid to Camp Campaign.  My goal is to send 2 kids to camp, by personally contributing and seeking support in raising $2,400.  Any amount you choose to give will make a difference.

With much appreciation in advance,

Heather Brooks

Donate Now

From the hot city streets to Moorelands Camp!

Tucked away on 45 acres of sandy beaches and dense forests, accessible only by boat, is Moorelands Camp. A gem in the Algonquin Highlands, each summer our summer camp welcomes 700 children and youth from some of the poorest neighbourhoods in Toronto.

Swimming, canoeing, music, kayaking, archery, ropes courses, arts and crafts and overnight tripping… the spirit of the wilderness! And build into all this fun are character and leadership lessons – communication, teamwork, problem solving and goal setting – the development of skills necessary for life success!

Staff care deeply about the campers, supporting them as they practise positive interactions with each other and with adults, and celebrating their achievements. Campers return home bursting with great stories of their personal accomplishments, new leadership skills and wonderful memories.

Send a Kid to Camp!

Help Me Send a Kid to Camp

“The happiness and positive vibes are in every person, place or thing on that island.” Letitia, Moorelands camper

Send a Kid to Camp - Letitia

An Oasis of Calm in our Busy World

Today’s kids spend their days consumed by technology and social media. As a result, they have more issues with physical health problems, anxiety and stress than ever before.

Moorelands Camp is an antidote to the sedentary behaviours and their negative health outcomes that today’s children face, especially those from low-income households.

Research shows that just 3 days in nature can increase cognitive ability by 50%, improve self-esteem and lower rates of depression…

Join with me to send kids to camp today!

Thank you for investing in kids in your community.

Moorelands Kids is a fiscally prudent organization, run with the highest level of stewardship of the public trust.

staying on track with goals