Tribute Donations

Celebrate a special life, a special person or a special occasion by making a gift to Moorelands Kids. Turn your thoughtful gesture into a gift that will empower kids from low-income neighbourhoods and give them the skills and strategies they need to reach their potential.

In Honour Donations

Many of our donors celebrate a special person by supporting Moorelands Kids in general or a specific program dear to the heart of that person. We acknowledge the donation with a card sent to the Honouree.

In Memory Donations

Moorelands Kids receives tribute donations in memory of loved ones and dear friends. We acknowledge the contribution with a respectful card with your own message sent to the designated recipient.

Other Ways to Make a Tribute Donation

To Donate by Cheque

To make an honour or memorial donation by cheque, please mail your donation to the following address:
Moorelands Kids
205 Merton Street, Suite 501
Toronto, ON M4S 1B1

For In Honour donations, please include:

• The name and address of the person to whom you are paying tribute
• The occasion, and a personal message to include in the card

For In Memory donations, please include:

• The name of the person for whom you are dedicating the donation
• The name and the address of the person to whom we should send a card acknowledging your donation
• An optional message to include in the card

To Donate by Phone

To make a tribute donation over the phone, please call Andrea Battaglia, Database Officer, at 416.466.9987 ext. 309.

Thank you for investing in kids in your community.

Moorelands Kids is a fiscally prudent organization, run with the highest level of stewardship of the public trust.

staying on track with goals



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