COVID-19 and the impact on education

COVID-19 and the Impact on Education

This past year has been challenging for everyone. Working from home and transitioning to online learning has had a real impact, specifically on children’s education. We wanted to take a look at COVID-19’s Impact on Education.

It is well known that there are existing gaps in the education system even before COVID-19. While making the transition to online learning undoubtedly affects everyone, there are so many factors contributing to widening the gap in education. Instead of learning in the same school classroom, children are learning from home in a wide variety of home environments. Online learning can be a challenge in itself. Different home lives can have such a huge impact on how students focus and learn.

Unequal Access to Learning

Every family’s situation is different. Some parents are also working from home, while others cannot. Some families may have one child learning from home, while others may have many children learning from home. A number of families living in multigenerational homes have chosen to opt into online learning rather than remain in the classroom out of concern for elderly or at-risk family members. In some scenarios, high school students are trying to balance online learning with taking care of younger siblings during the workday. Access to technology, school supplies, the internet, and a variety of other resources all factor in and can exacerbate inequality. Even siblings in the same household can have extremely different experiences depending on factors such as their teacher, comfort with technology, and learning style.

With restrictions tightening and changing regularly especially for Ontario and the GTA specifically, students have had to forgo recess, after-school programs, sports and other outdoor learning opportunities. Moorelands Kids has transitioned its programs to online to continue to provide youth with positive opportunities for growth, foster connections with friends and leaders and keep kids resilient! Although we don’t know yet what camp will look like this summer, be it in person or virtual – Moorelands Camp is an amazing opportunity for children to relax, have fun and learn new things after a challenging school year.

Counteracting the Negative Impact on Education

While there are so many things we cannot control when it comes to COVID-19, there are some things we can control. More now than ever the development of important qualities, habits and life skills is of utmost importance. Moorelands Kids programs focus on respect, responsibility, caring, trustworthiness and citizenship. By equipping children with lifelong skills and resources they can help themselves both now and in the future. One of the best ways to help is to empower children with these skills to help themselves.

After participating in a Moorelands Kids program:

  • 83% of kids reported they were able to make better choices
  • 80% of kids reported they felt more confident
  • 86% of kids reported they were more responsible
  • 82% of kids reported their teamwork skills improved
  • 76% of kids reported their communications skills improved


By developing these valuable life and leadership skills, children will be better equipped to handle new situations and challenges to overcome barriers to success.

Check out Moorelands Kids’ programs today HERE

by Aly Tomas

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