Second Annual Starry Summer Night Bash

A message from The Second Annual Starry Summer Night Bash Committee (SSN)

What a wonderful Starry Summer Night!

From the opportunity to meet your cottage neighbours, the delicious food and drink, the lively auction bidding, to enjoying the beautiful full moon on the water taxi ride home. We are overwhelmed at the incredible generosity and community spirit found here on Kawagama Lake and are thrilled that so many came out to enjoy the wonderful evening in support of Moorelands Wilderness Camp.The Second Annual Starry Summer Night Bash, run entirely by volunteer cottagers on our lake, raised over $90,000. A particular highlight was the number of cottagers who stepped up to ‘Send a Kid to Camp’.  Twenty-four families came forward with the $1,150 needed to sponsor a kid for one week at Moorelands. Incredible!

We had another very important goal for that evening. August 20th was a night to come together and celebrate what makes Kawagama Lake so special. “I’m so proud of how the entire lake community, from kids to grandparents, came together to make the evening such a success,” said SSN Co-Chair, Brenda Norfolk.

“The entire volunteer committee put in hundreds of hours to make it happen,” said Brenda and Co-Chair Mike Wiebe, “they were wonderful.” When asked, ‘why help Moorelands?’ Mike thoughtfully replied, “I grew up with awe-inspiring wilderness experiences thanks to my parents, and with leadership experience thanks to my education.  I think life is more difficult for kids today – particularly those kids that don’t have the same chances I had growing up.  Moorelands helps solve that, for a particularly vulnerable group.”Said Brenda, “we’ve been long time supporters of SAK and believe in the camp experience 100%. I grew up on a lake, and I see it with my own kids. The confidence and ability just continues to grow as they learn to do various activities … It’s truly inspiring to see even as an adult.”

When asked for one thing they learned about Moorelands’ kids, Mike replied, “Wow, do they have great dreams!”

We want to thank the attendees for their generosity and for choosing to donate to Moorelands’ Wilderness Camp this year. We hope you will join us next year on August 19th, 2017 to help us celebrate Moorelands’ 100th anniversary.  It is quickly becoming the ‘must attend’ event on the lake.


Brenda Norfolk and Mike Wiebe
Co-Chairs Starry Summer Night Committee

On behalf of Rob Walisser, Jim Kauffman, Rachel Reid, Kathryn Winning, John Rumble, John McBride, Paul Buligan and Lee Anne Wiebe

Couldn’t make the event but want to help? Make a donation to Send a Kid to Camp!    Donate now!

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