Our after-school programs are starting back up this fall with a refresh! The activities and core focus will remain the same, but we are changing the program names to align with our branding strategy.

Formerly BLAST, our City Kids program operates 3 days a week for children aged 6-12 years of age.
Formerly LED, our City Clubs program will have various times offered in order to welcome more kids in grades 6-8.
Formerly VITAL, our City Youth program will continue to take place in a hybrid online and in-person format for high school students.
Moorelands City programs are rooted in positive-youth-development, as well as our unique curriculum of Habits and Qualities. Our programs are based on shared concepts of personal leadership abilities through practicing and applying skills such as critical thinking, emotional intelligence, communication, and much more.
We’re excited to continue to serve the children and youth of Toronto this fall, with our mission to empower them to succeed at home, at school and in their communities. Our Moorelands City programs will continue to be offered to families free of charge. All programs require participant registration.
“Moorelands after-school programs are a positive and safe environment to grow. The space the programs create is a welcoming one where everyone wants to have fun and learn.”
– Andrea, President of the Youth Council and former Moorelands City programs Participant

We’ve officially wrapped up Moorelands Camp, summer 2024 season. We had an excellent time with new and returning campers at Kawagama Lake. We couldn’t have done it without the amazing individuals who supported our Send a Kid to Camp campaign, and those who held fundraising events for us, including the 9th annual Starry Summer Night. Thank you to all our supporters who raised money to send disadvantaged youth in Toronto and surrounding areas to Moorelands Camp this summer. Your support allows hundreds of marginalized kids to experience all the benefits that Moorelands Camp provides each year.
“To me, Moorelands means that no matter who you are, you are always welcome.”
– Sam, Moorelands Camp Participant
Remembering John Shelly
In June this year, beloved former board member and long-time friend, John Shelly, passed away at the age of 75.
He’d been volunteering for Moorelands Kids for over 30 years, helping to raise over $1 million.
John served as Board President, and he was an avid supporter of our mission.
We are deeply saddened by his passing and will honour his memory, as we remember his commitment and loyalty as a friend and champion of the Moorelands Kids community.

We have some highly anticipated events coming before we wrap up the year. Giving Tuesday falls on December 3rd this year. This continues to be a vital campaign to rally financial support for our work and mission. Additionally, we’ll be holding our annual Holiday Sharing program later this year, offering the opportunity to provide gifts to low-income families enrolled in our programs.
Holiday Sharing 2024 Calendar
September 20
Adopt-A-Family program opens.
September 23
Volunteer sign-up begins.
November 24
Deadline for volunteers to sign-up to help with Holiday Sharing.
December 2-4
Receiving days for all gifts and donations at Moorelands Kids’ Office.
SMS Donation
In an effort to modernize our communications, we’ve introduced SMS messaging to the Moorelands Kids community!
You can now receive updates or donate to our campaigns through text messages on your mobile phone.
Text (416) 466-9987 to get started.
Saying Goodbye with Best Wishes
Moorelands Staff Update
Two of our amazing Staff Members have recently moved on from Moorelands Kids. They provided years of dedicated service to Moorelands Kids, and we wish them the best moving forward in their careers.

Jodi Thompson, our City Programs Manager, has been an integral part of Moorelands Kids for the past 12 years, serving in various capacities. She dedicated 4 years to working at Moorelands Camp and 8 years working in Moorelands’ City Programs.

Linda De Oliveira served as our Administration & Data Analytics Assistant for the past year. She worked diligently to provide data analytics to optimize our digital presence, as well as general support to our staff.
Connect with us!
Keep up with Moorelands Kids on social media – FOLLOW, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to take part in the fun. Get all the latest information, from program updates and upcoming events to stories from our kids. Check us out @moorelandskids!
416.466.9987 ext. 300
251 Consumers Rd., Suite 601 Toronto, ON M2J 4R3
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