Moorelands Kids Holiday Sharing Adopter Confirmation (Wednesday December 6, 2023) Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Thank you for participating in our Holiday Sharing program year! By completing this form you confirm that we can count on you to gather gifts for the family (or families) that you have “adopted”/sponsored according to the Guidelines provided by Moorelands Kids. You will ensure all packages are delivered to Moorelands Kids on your delivery day of: Wednesday December 6, 2023 Please drop off between 8:00AM and 6PM at: 251 Consumers Road, Suite 601 Toronto, ON M2J 4R3 Please submit this form by Friday November 17, 2023 as we want to ensure we have items for every family. If you are no longer able to support a family, please let us know by email at, or if you have any questions about your drop off day. Name *FirstLastBusiness Name (if applicable)Contact Number *Primary Contact Email *EmailConfirm EmailFamily ID of Your "Adopted"/Sponsored Family (Families) *By typing your name below you agree to the above statement about dropping off your Christmas Sharing gifts *Date *Submit