It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Hey Moorelands!

Moorelands Christmas Sharing has officially arrived!First of all we want to say a BIG thank you to all those who got involved with #GivingTuesday on December 1st by donating to Moorelands Christmas Sharing and posting #UNselfies to social media. We raised a whopping $1500 in one day, a delightful start to our Christmas Sharing program and also received a wealth of gifts for Adopt-a-family. Follow the link to see some of the beautiful #UNselfies that were posted on the day.This year, GivingTuesday coincided with Christmas Sharing drop off week. We were so happy to welcome into our offices the wonderful families, co-workers and friends who have teamed up to generously share Christmas gifts with Moorelands families. It’s so heartening to see that we are part of such a caring community. Moorelands office is currently chockablock full of goodies – there are literally hundreds of presents awaiting the 320 families who will be adopted this year! We can’t wait for our families to start coming in this week…To all our amazing Christmas Sharing Adopters: THANK YOU, your generosity is truly inspiring!This past week at BLAST Gateway, our kids have also been getting into the Christmas spirit and making decorations! They’ve enjoyed practising the sharing and cooperation skills that are always necessary when participating in a group craft activity and they’ve also been able to show off their creativity. Winner!

BLAST Grenoble kids have been having fun learning some more healthy lifestyle tips and cooking skills as they made greek yogurt parfaits. Delicious!IMG_6126

All of our Budding Leaders After-School Teams have been learning about different cultures and traditions in ‘Around the World’ month! Check out the pictures below of BLAST Grenoble making marionettes and BLAST Thorncliffe cooking tasty Ramen…yummy!

We hope you’re all getting excited for the Holiday season, we certainly are!

Have a great week!

Best High res just Moorelands

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