David, a single father with two small children, was struggling to make ends meet. He had been on long-term disability for some time but in September, finally found a part-time job he thought might turn into full-time work. Less than two months into his job however, he was laid off. Feeling very discouraged, David tried to find other work but had a hard time of it. He knew Christmas was coming and he had no money to buy his children gifts. That’s when he applied to our Christmas Sharing Program. It was a big step for David to ask for help. He said he never would have come if not for his kids. He told us that they deserved to have a proper Christmas. This year our Christmas elves put their efforts into overdrive finding food, gifts and winter hats and gloves for David and his family and for the over 300 other families helped through our Christmas Sharing Program. He was ecstatic when he came to pick up his hamper. It’s the little things that make a holiday special. Christmas Hampers, with their food and gifts allow parents to spend time and connect with their kids – cooking a special meal, playing a new game, working on a puzzle or marvelling over new toys.