
Thank you to our valued donors.

Our donors and volunteers have been instrumental in raising funds to support and continually enhance our innovative programs and facilities both in the city and at Moorelands Camp.

Corporate Partners

AGF Group Foundation
Canada Life
Chamgosa Giving Fund
Choice Properties
CIBC Children’s Foundation
Mackenzie Investments
McCarthy Tétrault Foundation
Peter & Greg Walker Contracting Inc.
RBC Foundation
RBC Global Asset Management
Red Hat Canada Limited
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
TD Securities Underwriting Hope Fund
The Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund
Umbrella Central Day Care Services
Worldwide Project Consortium

Foundation Partners

The Blidner Family Foundation
Brodrum Family Foundation
Catherine & Maxwell Meighen Foundation
The Charles H. Ivey Foundation
CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish
Dickhout Family Foundation
Dorrance Drummond Family Foundation
Fundyview Family Foundation
Griggs Family Foundation at Toronto Foundation
J.P. Bickell Foundation
Kiwanis Club of Toronto Foundation
The Lumsden & Nicoletti Family Fund
The McLean Foundation
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Robert Bell Family Foundation
The Serendipity Foundation
Throop Family Foundation
Tippet Foundation
United Way of Greater Toronto
Ward Family Foundation

Family Funds

Aubrey and Marsha Baillie Family Fund (a fund held within the Oakville Community Foundation)
Balfour Bowen Family Foundation
Bonnie Cox Fund at Toronto Foundation
The Coffey Family Foundation
Farrell Family Gift Fund at the Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation
Lind Family Fund at Toronto Foundation
The Lowidt Foundation
Odette Federer Family Foundation
Rand Kildare Charitable Foundation
Tutsch Family Foundation
Twigge-Molecey Family Foundation at Benefaction
The Waugh Family Foundation
WB Family Foundation
The Weppler Family Foundation

Moorelands Monthly Donors

We recognize our Monthly Donors who have chosen to create a bedrock of stability through their commitment to Moorelands Kids.

John Abraham
Patricia Anselmi
Bharat Bajaj
Steve Bartholomew
Martha Bartley
Elizabeth Beadle
Eve Bennett
Robert G. Boeckner
David Borsook
Dan Bortolotti
Laura and Randy Bowes
John Bright
Mark Côté
Gina and David Davidson
Leigh A. Davidson
Ulrike Davis
Kelly Dunlop and Robert Smith
Peter Esper
Nancy Louise Farrell
John and Robin Fauquier
Jennifer Ferguson
Amelia Anne Ferguson and Brian Budd
Janice Flynn
Victoria Foerster
Nascha Freire
Helen Gaan
Sean Galvin
Cathy Johnson and Andy Gort
Colette Halferty
Eritha Huntley Lewis
Patricia Jacobs and John E. Vanneste
Richard I. Jacobs
William R. Jones
Carolyn A. Kelly
Blake Langill
Victoria Lee
Maureen & David Lewis
Sean Lockhart
Elizabeth Ludlow
Stewart Macsherry
Kayvan Mahbod
Rachel Hutchinson and Cian McDonnell
Bill and Jennifer Meeker
Andrew Moore
David Moulton
Adrianne Parker
Johanna Parker
David Rahenbrock
Linda Robertson
Kathleen Roulston
Jane Rowan
Reid Rusonik
Vinojini Shanmugalingam
Margaret Smith
John and Cara Stanley
Anita Stefan
Peter and Diana Stevens-Guille
Daniel Thertell
Bradley Thompson
Lynda Tilley
Danny Timmins
Robert Tremblay
Rebecca Van Monsjou Curran
Adrian Van Monsjou
Pranav Verma
Maggie Wang
Trina Watkinson
Karen Weston
Mari-Lynn and Brian Wikant
William Wilkins

Leaders Circle ($50,000+)

Bill & Karen Barnett
Choice Properties
Joyce Henry

Builders Circle ($20,000+)

Audrey Tepper

Friends Circle ($10,000+)

Adele Wellness Inc.
Mary L. Aziz
Gina and David Davidson
Linda McCain
Yvonne McGregor
Lenore Walters

Helping Hands Circle ($5,000+)

Janet and Mark Allemang
Bacher Construction
D. J. Rain & Co. Ltd.
Katherine Dudtschak
William and Rosemary Fillmore
Jack Gibbons and Mary Lovett
Florence Hanna
Melvin Herzog
Kawagama Lake Cottagers’ Association
Jane and John Kean
Gail MacNaughton
Brian Martin
Kim McGlade
Patricia Mcvitty
Brenda and Claude Norfolk
Rena Sherring
The United Church of Canada, Shining Waters Regional Council
N.L. Shuttleworth
Joe Simpson

Backer ($2,500+)

Ambercor Shipping
Laura and Randy Bowes
Martha Jo Breithaupt
Drummond and Kathryn Brodeur
William and June Coward
Janice Cox
Margaret Crossman
Leigh A. Davidson
Jeanne DesBrisay and Donald Gilchrist
David Dorsch and Pat Neelands
Greg Douglas
Bill and Pam Estey
Victoria Foerster
Brian Gilbert
Douglas Grundy
Marianne Harrison
Kathy Henderson
William N. and Mary Horan
Intact Insurance Company
Investors Group Financial Services Inc
Maruja Jackman
Brenda Jobling
Maureen & David Lewis
Bob and Janice MacDonald
Margaret McCain
Andrew and Valerie Pringle
Lynn Ridout
Claire Shaw
St. Cuthbert’s Anglican Church, Leaside
Jenna Stoll and James Aplin
Sandra Straw and Gladys Watson
Joanne R. Sutherland and Robert C. Douglas
Mary Jane Wilson and David Pabke

Booster ($1,000+)

ACW-St. James Cathedral, York Group
Bob & Anne Aziz
Marsha Baillie
W. Michael Baker
Mrs. Jennifer Ivey Bannock
Christopher and Joanne Bee
Bennett Jones LLP
Dan Bortolotti
Rob Bracey
Suzanne Campbell
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
Church of the Incarnation
Hugh and Carolyn Cleland
Barry and Sue Cooper
Mark Côté
Juri Daniel
Maria Deluca
Abigail Dinwiddie
Ross & Ann Dobbin
Rosemary Dudtschak
John Eckert
Frances and Todd Edgar
Eglinton St. George’s United Church
Trisha Emerson
William Fanjoy and Marg McKillop
Amelia Anne Ferguson and Brian Budd
Jane Ferguson
Sean Fleming
Sally and Nick Forrest
Alice Fox
Allan and Elaine Francis
Deborah Gabura
George and Esther Snell Trust
Catherine Graham
Marlene and Eric Hartley
William Hatanaka
Dennis Hewitt
Andrea and Patrick Horan
Rachel Hutchinson and Cian McDonnell
Monique Jilesen
Carolyn A. Kelly
Barbara King Rea and Michael Rea
Paul Koring
Todd and Tonia Krauser
Anne Marie Lafond
David Lee
Anne S. LeFeuvre
Mary Lewis
Elizabeth M. Loach
Sean Lockhart
Rory MacDonald
Valerie Mackie
Stewart Macsherry
Jody McCombe
John and Bryna McLeod
W. Niels Ortved and Stephanie McLuhan
Donn Millar
Ian Millar
Greg Mills
Brett Mooney
Mountain Trout House Marina
Doug and Janet Newlands
Mary and Jeff Nolan
Norway Point Community Church
Matthew Owens
Robert and Wendy Palmer
Johanna Parker
Marilyn Pattison
Doug and Lesley Paul
David and Sheryl Pearson
Nick and Sophia Perreten
Linda Robertson
Edward A. Robinson
Michelle Robinson
Dunbar and Sandy Russel
Hanifa Samji
Fareeda and Shiraz Satchu
Claude Sauriol
Steve and Nancy Schaus
Robert J. Sharpe
Staicia Shedden
Susan Shim
Martha Shuttleworth
Godyne Sibay
Paul B. Spafford
St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Church
Anita Stefan
Scott and Stacey Sutherland
Robert Tattersall
The Church of St. Aidan
Richard Thomson
Danny Timmins
Jennifer Trant
John and Victoria Tremayne
Frank van de Water
Donna Ward
Richard Wernham and Julia West
Karen Weston
Michael and Lee Anne Wiebe
Mari-Lynn and Brian Wikant
Carla Zonneveld

Donor (up to $999)

Heather A Fisher
Donald and Dawn Abel
Julie Acland
ACW-Christ Church Campbellford
ACW-Church of Our Saviour
ACW-St. Paul’s Anglican Church (Beaverton)
Peter M. Adamson
Alexander Aird
Heba Al-Shakarchi
Bailey Albert
Margaret Aldworth
Asad Ali
James Allen and Rebecca Crumlish
Toni Allen
Josh Almario
Michael Alty
Nick Alvaro
Sandra and Paul Ambos
Peter and Phyllis Anastasiades
Jill Anderson
Tony Andras
Donna M. Andrew
Dina Arrigo
Jessica Ash
Thomas Astle
Aviva Canada
Patricia Babb
David Badour
Geoffrey Bagg
Norman and Pamela Bain
Indira Bains
Ballantry Homes Inc.
Joan Barltrop
Jamie Barnes
Jeff Barnes
Charles Barrett
Daniela Barros
Battiston, Rohrich and Swaby-Smith Families
Mike Baum
Rob Bean
Barbara and Stanley Beck
Karen Beckman
Robert and Sherry Bedford
Bonnie Bell
Donald Belovich
Ralph and Fiona Benson
Matthew Bernardo
Jessica Besser-Rosenberg
John Bett
Kamal Bhargava
Shiraz and Nurjehan Bharmal
Patti Bicic
Cory Bierma
Michelle Bilodeau
Joel Binder
Robert Black and Judith Adams
Carrie Blair
Adrienne Blazo
Kathleen Bokrossy
Ann Bollefer
Lori Bolliger
Susan Bolton
Ryan Bonett
M. Lee Booth
Jeff and Tara Borg
M Daniel Bornstein
Robert Bothwell
Doreen Bovell
Matt Bowes
Kelsey Boyer
Scott Bracey
Douglas Bradley and Mary Killoran
Christine Bradshaw
Nancy Breedon
Ellen Breen
Eric Bremermann
Olga Bromberg
Jacqueline Brookes
Nancy Brown
Robert and Brenda Buckingham
Doug Burgess
Steven Burke
Tracy Burke
Busch Systems
Joshua Cabral Cardoso
Josh Calderon
Betty Calvin
Bryan Campbell
Ethan Campbell
Joanne and Mark Campbell
Mary Ellen Campbell
Canada Conclave #7, Order of True Kindred
CanadaHelps Toronto Fund
Warren Cantor and Kerrie Stanley-Cantor
John Carr
Lou-Anne Carr
Brian and Charlotte Carter
Jean Carter
Doreen Casier
G. Elaine Cassel
Christian Catenacci
Denise Chamberlin
Christopher Chan
Vivian Chan
John and Edith Chantler
Jennifer Cheesman
Jessica Chen
Jan Chepesiuk
Winnie Chow
Christ Church Women’s Guild
Ashley and Matthew Christopoulos
Elias Christopoulos
Amanda Cipolla
David Clark
Margaret Clark
Robert Clark
Cynthia Clarkson
Pearl Cluff
Sarah Cohen
Donald Cole
Stella Cole
Nadine Collard
Compassion Galleries Inc.
Cassie Connolly
Dave Cooper
Rosalind Cooper
Julian Cordiano
Adrian Cormier
Joan Costas
Kelly Coulson
Fred Cox
Mark Craigie
Bruce Creba
Carole Crompton and Ross Edmunds
Terry and Cathy Cully
Madeline Cummings
Dandelion Inc
Kim Daries
Rahul Dave
Kathryn A. David
Mary Davis
Stefanie De Adder
Antonio De Luca
William Deacon
Evelyn Dean
James and Sheila Delaney
Sheila Delaney
Marcela and Bert Dercola
Campbell DesBrisay
Paola DiCarlo
Naomi Diestelkamp
Holly Dietz
Mark Dimitroff
Mark DiNardo
Elizabeth Dingman
Victoria DiPlacido
Janelle Donaldson
Trish Douglas
Dr Bhayana Medicine Professional Corporation
Karen Dravis
Daniel and Kathy Dukoff
The Dukoff Family
Sheila Duncan
James and Olive June Dyer
Nicole Edmunds
Margaret Eley
Jeff Elliott
Angela Emerson
Jodi English
Jordan Epstein
Beatriz Esquibel
Jason Esteves
Peter Evans
Barbara Falby
Eryn Fanjoy
Sam Fata
Gillian Faulkner
Marjorie Fawcett
Gilles Fecteau
Brian and Katherine Feldman
Marilyn Ferguson
Katherine Fine
Marlene Fine
Karen Finnemore
Elizabeth Fisher
Allan and Heather Fletcher
Fogler, Rubinoff LLP
Pat Forsythe
David and Alison Fortier
Monique Fortin
Lucille and Scott Fowler
George Frangos
Hugh Franklin
Julie Fraser
Lisa Fraser
Robert Freedman
Chelsea Fumich
Lianne Furlong
Pamela Gage
Beverly Galloway
Nancy Galluzzo
Ikram Gana
Savi Gangaram
Patricia and T Rogers Gardham
Dan and Judy Gargaro
Michie T. Garland
Pamela Gaspar
Geoffrey The Butler
Katerina Georgakakos
Karen Gibbs
Kathleen Gibson
James Gilchrist and Shannon Edwards
Aman Gill
Jennifer Gilland
Paula Gilroy
Paula Girleng
John Glynn
Tushar Goel
Paul Goldfarb
Marilyn Goodchild
Lisa Goodfellow
Anita Gore
Grace Church – Markham
Danielle Granie-Lackey
Ben Grondin
Matthew Gucciardi
Vanessa Guglietti
Ann Guthrie
John and Elizabeth Hackett
Colleen Hall
Stephanie Hall
Susan Hall
James Hamilton
Jenn Hammond
Mary and Walter Hannah
Katrina Hannan
Krystal Harding
Diane Harper
Marianne Harrison
Gary Harvey
Paul and Barb Haslam
Kevin Hawkinson
Emily Hayes
Melanie Hehn
Carol S. Helmstadter
Joyce Henderson
Shannon Henderson
Holly Henning-Wood
Don and Anne Henry
Jeffrey Hershenfield
William Hibbs
David Higgins
Chris Hilborn
M. Elizabeth Hill
Frances Hincenbergs and Allan McMaster
Akshatha Hiremath
Julia Ho
Phyllis Ho
Rosalind and John Hobson
Robert B. Hodge
Scott Holladay
Mark Holly
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
Janet Honsberger
Diane Hopkins
Samantha Horn
Margaret Horton
Samaneh Hosseini
Mack Hosseinian
Bill and Heather Howitt
Carine Hudson
Brian Hughes
John Huisman
Chris Hummel
Jane Hutchinson
Rosemary Hutchison
Margaret Huycke
Susan Hylton
Andrew Ianni
Karin Ibscher
Leigh-Ann Ing
Megan Ing
Ina Jackson Harling
Lucas Jackson
Carolyn James
Griffin James
Glen Jennings
Bob Jessome
Bruce Johnson
Devon Johnson
Christine Johnston
Jeremy and Stephanie Johnston
Margaret Anne and Peter F.M. Jones
Rebecca Jones
Lynn Kahrkling
Janis and Jim Kaufman
Angela Kaushal
Anumita Kaushal
Katherine Kay
John Keen
Jay Kellerman
J. Robert Kellermann
Tim and Janet M. Kennish
Beverley Kent
Allison Keppy
Carolyn Kernohan
Anthony and Mary Ketchum
Carolyn Kilgour
Kenneth Kilgour
Michael Kimber
Kimberley Bradshaw Charitable Account
Ann Kingdon
Murray Kinniburgh
Neil and Carol-Ann Kirby
Risa Kirshblum
Ava Kitz
Ann Knight
Dayle Knowles
Michael Koch Family
Ruth Koheil
Leonella Kovalevsky
Julie Kretchman
Scott Kugler
Donna Kwan
Barbara Kymlicka
Jane Lam
Lariat Business Services Inc.
Luigi LaRocca
Alison LaRocque
David and Carol Ann Laughlin
Jerry and Liz Lawless
Allan Lawr
Eleonor Lee
Fiona Lee
Melissa Lee
Carolyn Leering
Cathy & Douglas Hitchcock
Nancy Levene
Min Lin
John Liss
Lois Fox Fund
Janice Long
Kate Longmire
Dylan Lougheed
Vince Luccisano
Brad Luft and Keltie Sim
Joan Luke
Patrick Lumbers
Ryan Lumbers
Jessica Luo
Nicole Lupke
Michelle Lutsch
Vivian Luu
Bryan Lynch
Maura Lynch
Robert Lynch
Erin Maccon
Ian MacDonald
Mark MacDonald
Patrick Macdonald
Corey Mace
Christine MacInnes
Andrea Mackesy
Peter MacKinnon
Marc J MacMullin
Arash Madani
Sandhya Maini
Andrew Mainprize
Virginia Mainprize
Jennifer Mak
Selina Mamo
Carmen Mancuso
Michael Mann
Hartford Manning
Noa Marley
Lauren E. Marshall
Sofia Martimianakis
Kate Martini
Audrey Mason
Monica Mason
Laurent Massam
Melly Matthews
Marsha Maxwell
Gordon McBride
Amy McCann
Patricia McCrimmon
Victoria McDonald
Cameron McGlade
Thomas McGuire
Heather McKellar
Jane McKinnon
Lianne McLaren
Molly McMahon
Christine McMaster
Kate McNeill-Keller
David and Marian McPherson
Tara McRae
Mary J. Mercer
Liz Merrilees Emlay
Stephanie Messier
William and Marilyn Meyer
Donna Meyers
Marion Michinsky
Bruce Millar
Eric Millar
Leslie Millar
Sarah Millar
Derry Millar
Alexander and Marianne Miller
Paul Miller
Ruth Miller
Mary-Lou Milligan
Doug Min
Nitesh Mistry
Sonia Mistry
Mark Mitchell
Robert Mitchell
Zyad Moftah
Rosemary Molloy
Nicole Montpetit
Angela Moore
Ann Moore
Sylvia Moretti
Carla Morgado Henriques
Barbara Morris
Muldrew Lakes Cottagers Association
Mary and Andrew Mullen
Natalie Mullins
Margaret Murray
Edward Nash
Natalie Currie Enterprises Inc.
Louisa and Michael Newbury
William Nicholls
Qiuling Ning
Bruce and Barbara Norman
Shannon O’Brien
Danielle O’Hanley
Karen O’Meara
David Oakden
Grace Olds
Suzanne Owens
Helena Pagano
Harry and Esta Palter
Abel Pandy
Bina Parekh
B. Jean Particka
Seema Patel
Peter R. Paterson
Janet Patterson
Seanne Patterson
Sarah Payne
David Pelly
Ruth Pengelly
Peter Zhang Professional Corporation
Shelley Peterson
Anna Petrole
Christy Picard Dimmig
Natalee Pink
Tara Piurko
Mark Platteel
Sharon Pollock
Gary Posen
Sotirios Poulimenos
David Poulson
Geoffrey Pringle
Mary Procter
Alexandra Psellas
Brian Pukier
Jill Purdy
Nancy Purvis
Q4 Architects Inc.
QLD Communications Inc.
Maggie Raco
Peter Raiche
Rob Rainford
Vicky Rajput
Harby Rakhra
Adeo Ramdharry
Pegi Rappaport
Janet Read
Lynn Reale
Rebelstork Inc
Renee Reddick
Mark Reid
Ian and Barbara Renshaw
Cynthia Reyes
R Richards
Gail Richey
Julie Rekai Rickerd
Don and Ann Ridpath
Dan Riendeau
Rudy Riske
Kathleen Ritchie
Andrew Robinson
Chloe Robinson
Danielle Robinson
Ron Robinson
Taylor Rodrigues
Cindy Rogers
Sam Rogers
Simon Romano
Sabrina Rosa
Adrian Rosca
ROSE Volunteers
Susan Rosen
Evelyn Ross
Peigi Ross
Rover Cristofaro Professional Real Estate Corporation
Irene Rowley
Mary Roy
Michael and Sheila Royce
Tim Ruffell
Runnymede JR & SR Publlic School
Olivia Sabourin
Harveer Sahota
Andris Sahoye
Kai Sakhuja
Gurvir Sangha
Sukhman Sangha
Florence Sauve
Michael and Julia Sax
Kaila Scarrow
John and Alena Schram
Cornelia Schuh and Michiel Horn
Marilyn J. Schulz
Ron and Susan Schwark
Gail Scott
John Scott
Peter and Irene Sebastian
Anthony Seravalle
Angela Maria Sforza
Michelle Sharma
Rachna Sharma
Colleen Shaughnessy
Sharon Shaver
George O. Shepherd
Robyn Shields
Joshua Shoemaker
Anam Shukla
Peter Sidgwick
Aaron Silver and Alexandra Fanjoy
Jeffrey Singer
Barbara Skolly
Barbara Skupien
Jason Smirnis
David G. Smith
Paul Smith and Elinor Humphries
Christine Sonego
John Sorensen
Alex Sostar
Rod Soutar
Sarah Sparks
Matthew Sponagle
Adrienne Sporcic
St. John The Baptist Anglican Church
St. Matthew the Apostle – Oriole
Harriet Stairs
Robert Stairs
Christopher Stanek
Marie Starr
Christine Steger
Liisa Stephenson
Margaret L. Stephenson
Craig and Sharon Stevens
B Christie Stevenson
Nancy Stewart
Yvonne Stewart
Eugenie He Steyn
Niclas Stiernholm
Vanessa Stiernholm
Chris and John Stirling
Mona Stirling
Mary Strand
Catherine Strong
Grace Stronge
Susan Stuart
Lisa Stutt
Suzann Sutherland
Debi Sutin
Christie Swail and Jeff Hull
Jamie Swainson
Ruth and Stanley Swartzman
Ian and Rosemary Tannock
Thelma Tappin
Ashley Taylor
Kim and Cathy Taylor
TD Bank
Barbara Temple
Kelsey Tennock
The Benson Bursary
The Church of St. Timothy
Kim Theling
Linda Thomas
Simone Thomas-Gonzales
Ted and Barbara Thompson
Timothy Thompson
Michael Thorley
Scott Thorner
Catherine Tile
Amos and Danielle Tilley
Jack Timmins
Susan Tippett
Kim Todd
Doug and Gail Todgham
Ann Tottenham
Barbara Townes
June Trayes
Christine Treadwell
Judy Ann Tremblay
Silvano Trinca
Donna Trottier
Monique Truman
Grace Tsakas
Peter Tumey
Andrea Turner
Eleonore Turner
Thomas Tutsch
Richard Uhalde
Harry Underwood and Denise Ireland
Unilever Canada Foundation
Steve Uzielli
L Valderrama
Wendy Van Slyke
Lori Vandinther
Evelyn and Hans Veit
Joel Vidad
Janet and Dennis Waddington
Angela Waite
Colin Walker
Annette Wallace
Darwin Wang
Yizhu Wang
Kristy Warren
Cindy Warren-Ratcliffe
Paul B. Warrington
Barbara Watson
Scott Watson
Debbie and John Weatherbed
Judy Weber
Anne Welch
Patrick Welsh
William Wherry
Dianne White
Jordan Whitten
Dawn Whitty
George Whyte
Alexander Wightman
Bill Wiley
Richard Wolfe
Jennifer Wood
Joan Wood
Eleanor Woods
David Wraggett
Jane Wright
John and Jane Yates
Ken Yue
Sarah Yurichuk
Glenn Zacher
Mei Zhang
Peter Zhang
Allison Zimmerman
Robert Zipursky
Julianne Zolnierczyk
Dr. Ronald Zuker
Leona Zultek

We enable kids to create connections, build confidence, gain competence and develop character.

Did you know that youth at risk of negative behaviours tend to be from groups that suffer from the greatest levels of inequality and social disadvantage?